Články / Articles
Paper magazines and newspapers:
- Kino - movie magazine (1992-3)
- Cinema - movie magazine (1994)
- Moment Boby Brno - culture magazine (1993)
- Astro - occult magazine (1993)
- Filmový přehled (Movie Overview) - movie magazine (1994)
- TV magazín - TV magazine (1993)
- Týdeník Televize (Television Week) - TV magazine (1993-4)
- Pátek (Friday) - culture magazine (1993)
- TV DUHA - TV magazine, supplement (1993-5)
- Brněnský Večerník (Brno Evening) - newspapers (1993)
- Večerník Praha (Prague Evening) - newspapers (1993-5)
- Svobodne Slovo (Free Word) - newspapers (1995-8)
- Práce (Work) - newspapers (1995-6)
- Metro - newspapers (1999-2000)
- PC WORLD - PC and communications magazine (1997-9) - see list of the articles and here the articles themselves
- Computer World - weekly (1998-2000)
- Ikarie - science-fiction magazine (1999)
- Lidové noviny - newspapers (1998-2000)
- Týden (Week) - culture magazine (I've written only half-year supplement about PC and communications, 1997-9)
- Nová přítomnost (New Presence) - culture magazine (1998)
- Právo (Right) - newspapers (1998-2000)
- Kapitál (The Capital) - magazine (1998-2000)
- Moderní vyučování (Modern Teaching) - magazine (2001)
- Děti a my (Children and Ourselves) - magazine (2004)
Internet magazines:
- Britské listy - see list of the articles from 2002
- Komentáře
- Prostor
- České filmové nebe
- IMDb
- Ofsem
- Kinofilův průvodce
- Interval
- Capitol
- FilmPub - see list of my movie critics (in Czech)
- Word Online / Tiscali CZ - sections Technologie, Film a TV - see list of my movie critics (in Czech)
- Christnet.cz - magazine
- Pedagogický web Stolzová
- Umlaufoviny
- Isidorus